Interview . His formidable novel "American Plan" is published in France but still not in the United States. The writer does not mince his words on the “cultural war” waged by his own camp, the left.
Tribune . The writer, author of "American Plan", deplores that the left today creates a climate of self-censorship for artists, even though the conservative right "bans books".
Tell me, doctor. What’s the prognosis?
America has long been a country of new beginnings, and so it is with the presidency of Joe Biden. As Donald Trump’s callousness, cruelty and deadly incompetence begin to fade from memory, the majority of the country heaves a collective sigh of relief. Great things are happening again….
TRIBUNE - With humor, the American novelist and screenwriter * explains the indifference and ignorance of his compatriots about the challenge Islamism has launched against France.
TRIBUNE - The American novelist and screenwriter paints a grim picture of his country's state after four years of Trumpism and predicts that the outgoing president will remain omnipresent in public debate.
America was founded by an austere religious sect for whom sex was anathema. America invokes God on both its coinage and paper money. In 1630, John Winthrop declared America to be “a city upon a hill,” gilded words that borrowed from the Sermon on the Mount and were famously echoed centuries later by Ronald Reagan. And yet the current occupant of the White House, Donald Trump, has appeared in not one but three softcore pornographic videos.
TRIBUNE - Le romancier et scénariste* américain Seth Greenland s’élève contre la censure qui s’abat sur Woody Allen dans un texte exclusif accordé au Figaro. L’autobiographie du cinéaste Soit dit en passant, qui sortira le 3 juin en France chez Stock, a été déprogrammée par Hachette aux États-Unis.
In a recent phone conversation during the ongoing time of our mutual confinement, my friend Tom asked whether I had seen David Simon’s new HBO adaptation of the Philip Roth novel The Plot Against America. Of course, I replied, Anything with a good budget and a lot of Jews and I’m there. Can you believe the way it reflects America today? he asked.
Art is primal. Necessary. Emerging from some deep, ineradicable human need, art has been an integral part of human society from the time humans sought shelter in caves.
The American writer Seth Greenland denounces, in a forum in the “World”, the setting in step of artistic creation in his country, summoned to follow well-thought precepts.